Tools :
- Cheat Engine
- Browser Mozilla atau Chrome
- Open up Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM games
- Start Cheat Engine
- Choose process (based on your browser)
- Set Value Type “4 bytes” and scan enemy hp value
- Now attack him and search hp again
- Double click on value and add in the list (or click red arrow)
- Edit the value to 1
- Attack and instant defeat him
Thanks to : HeatSeekers From ELite Cyber Squad [E][C][S]
There are actually 3 monster/spell zones in Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM as opposed to five in the authentic game, and each gamer brings deck of 15 cards. Each turn, your hand will fill up to a maximum of 3 cards from the deck. When both gamers have selected which zones they want to drop their spells/monsters, hitting the “Bam” button will cause anything to conflict head-on.sekian dulu mengenai Cheat Game Facebook Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM Hack Instant Defeat Terbaru 2013 semoga bermanfaat untuk anda.
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